วันอังคารที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

How the environment reinforces and punishes modeling

People are often reinforced for modeling the behavior of others. Bandura suggested that the environment also reinforces modeling. This is in several possible ways:

1, The observer is reinforced by the model. For example a student who changes dress to fit in with a certain group of students has a strong likelihood of being accepted and thus reinforced by that group.

2. The observer is reinforced by a third person. The observer might be modeling the actions of someone else, for example, an outstanding class leader or student. The teacher notices this and compliments and praises the observer for modeling such behavior thus reinforcing that behavior.
3. The imitated behavior itself leads to reinforcing consequences. Many behaviors that we learn from others produce satisfying or reinforcing results. For example, a student in my multimedia class could observe how the extra work a classmate does is fun. This student in turn would do the same extra work and also receive enjoyment.

4. Consequences of the model’s behavior affect the observers behavior vicariously. This is known as vicarious reinforcement. This is where in the model is reinforced for a response and then the observer shows an increase in that same response. Bandura illustrated this by having students watch a film of a model hitting a inflated clown doll. One group of children saw the model being praised for such action. Without being reinforced, the group of children began to also hit the doll .
Thai Ministry of Health's 10 most dangerous video games

No, these games are not booby trapped nor do they contain anthrax powder. These are the games which the Thai Ministry of Health has put on their watch list. Yes, the MINISTRY OF HEALTH and not the ICT Ministry! They include:

1- GTA-Grand Theft Auto
2- Manhunt
3- Scarface
4- 50 Cent : Bulletproof
5- 300 : The Video Game
6- The Godfather
7- Killer 7
8- Resident Evil 4
9- God of War
10- Hitman : Blood Money

So, the gist of the story is that a "good boy" gets up and kills a taxi driver for his money. He tells police that he wanted the money to go out (probably partying at night). Anyway, it turns out that this kid likes to play GTA and his parents, who are conveniently not always around have concluded that it must be the game's influence that caused their good boy to go astray.
I know, you must be thinking "same poopoo, different country". I couldn't agree more! People tend to find different things to blame for things that go wrong in their lives. This country is no exception. Crimes were blamed on TV, movies, and now games. They target violence in these media as the root of all that is wrong when a kid decides to go postal. Hmm, anyone who walks past a newsstand can tell you what you see on the front page of the Thai Rath is much more graphic than the worst of these games and movies.

Since they're bothering to make a list, don't forget to include Temple Fair favorites like Whack a Mole that promotes animal cruelty, bumper cars for encouraging bad driving habits, shooting the water gun into the clown's mouth which teaches you to use guns, and a plethora of other "violent" carnival games. Sheesh! Like those idiots who spill HOT coffee on themselves and sue the store or smoke so much that they develop a terminal disease and decide to sue the tobacco companies. Be accountable for your own actions, people.

Come on parents. Get your asses up from in front of that TV set and turn of those channel seven soaps! Take some interest in your children and what they do. You turn a blind eye when you need to be involved and then look for something or someone to blame when something goes wrong.

วันพุธที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

My friends

Last year, I had purity to meet my old friends as long time no see. We went to dream world. We spent all time to play, take a photo, and eat together.

In dream world are many toys. We play of a toy. Then we went to see the Fantasy land where fairy tales come to life. The dwarf’s cottages, the sleeping beauty's castle, Cinderella's pumpkin carriage. We take a photograph. My friend said “I tired and very hungry went to eat at KFC. Next Dream World also has a full fledged go-kart track and ‘Snow Land’ – a display of artificial snow. We play and no forgot the photograph together. After back we must be go to the home

We no meet long time ago.Becaues everybody must be further study but we tried seek the free time came meeting but everybody remain at my heart always

วันอังคารที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

My Daughter is driving me insane

I'm a much laid back, passive person. Happy most of the time, I don't give mind to the bumps in the road in this journey called life. I've very much into personal development and spirituality and am very passive. So the problem I'm having is with my niece. Let me give you a little background. My cousin past away a few years back and left behind three girls, who are now 22, 19 and 17, their father is a drunk and unable to take care of them. They're living with an uncle of theirs, but they all really hate it there because they don't feel like they're wanted there. Me and my 17 year old niece became very close over the past year and have developed a father daughter relationship as well as being best friends. She's absolutely amazing and I want to do everything I can to make her happy. I'm working on buying a house and having the three of them move in with me.

From last summer till about December, I was doing a great job with her. I had her practicing personal development techniques, she was becoming so positive, and she used visualization to get rid of her life long asthma. Everything was going great, she was happy and always full of energy and very positive.

I guess it all started after I went away for a month. In December, I went to India for a month. When I left I had complete confidence that she'd be able to take care of herself and keep herself happy. I've been trying to teach her that her happiness is independent of anything else. Every since I got back, it's been so horrible!

She spends most of her time crying and thinking about suicide. She makes the biggest deal out of the littlest things, like kids do and has been seeing only the negative side of things. I don't know what happened! She doesn’t want to practice any of the personal development techniques anymore; she has no motivation for change. She crys everyday, for things that are not serious at all and then she truns around and blames me for ruining her day. When I try to explain to her that she has the choice of how see wants to, positively or negatively, she beats herself up over it. Saying things like "All I ever do it hurt people," she realizes how selfish she is sometime and instead of trying to fix it, she recognizes it and beat herself up over it.

I really don't know what to do anymore, last week it got to the point where I was throwing up because she stressed me out so much. And all of it just such a waste of energy and I don't want to

วันพุธที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How to be a good writer

it's easy to be a good writer.if you concentrate on doing it.
First,you should have information.Next,you just like study and research informating.Third,review your grammar, expand your vocaburary.
Fourth,u must write the title of your paragraph on the top line.Finally,
u should have write a concise summary.


My experience Grandmother

My experience Grandmother

I remember my grandmother. She was a great cook.
Every Sunday we had a big dinner together.she always defended
us when we get into trouble wite our parents.she was even angry.
Then,she was kind and generous.She made people feel good.When is arrive at a holiday,my grandmother and I like go to watch the movie then go to walk play the relex at the garden.They have happiness a lot
,now she was die and I so sad. but,she remember heart me.


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2551

I thing to go at Chonburi Pataya

Chonburi Pataya is a great place to spend a vacation for to seasons.
First of all,Chonburi Pataya has an excellent system of National Park where visitors can observe nature.For example,Hard Rock Café Hotel visitors can watch sea turtle come ashoare to lay thrie eggs in the sand and,to see cancer crawl down to the sand.After that,in the Tiger Zoo Seracha National Park visitor can see prelly brids ,monkey,tiger,lion,and another.Next,Pataya has many beautiful beaches.For instsnce,the beaches at Jomthen Pataya Park are among the most beautiful.Chonburu Pataya is a wonderful place to if you love the outdoors.