วันอังคารที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

My Daughter is driving me insane

I'm a much laid back, passive person. Happy most of the time, I don't give mind to the bumps in the road in this journey called life. I've very much into personal development and spirituality and am very passive. So the problem I'm having is with my niece. Let me give you a little background. My cousin past away a few years back and left behind three girls, who are now 22, 19 and 17, their father is a drunk and unable to take care of them. They're living with an uncle of theirs, but they all really hate it there because they don't feel like they're wanted there. Me and my 17 year old niece became very close over the past year and have developed a father daughter relationship as well as being best friends. She's absolutely amazing and I want to do everything I can to make her happy. I'm working on buying a house and having the three of them move in with me.

From last summer till about December, I was doing a great job with her. I had her practicing personal development techniques, she was becoming so positive, and she used visualization to get rid of her life long asthma. Everything was going great, she was happy and always full of energy and very positive.

I guess it all started after I went away for a month. In December, I went to India for a month. When I left I had complete confidence that she'd be able to take care of herself and keep herself happy. I've been trying to teach her that her happiness is independent of anything else. Every since I got back, it's been so horrible!

She spends most of her time crying and thinking about suicide. She makes the biggest deal out of the littlest things, like kids do and has been seeing only the negative side of things. I don't know what happened! She doesn’t want to practice any of the personal development techniques anymore; she has no motivation for change. She crys everyday, for things that are not serious at all and then she truns around and blames me for ruining her day. When I try to explain to her that she has the choice of how see wants to, positively or negatively, she beats herself up over it. Saying things like "All I ever do it hurt people," she realizes how selfish she is sometime and instead of trying to fix it, she recognizes it and beat herself up over it.

I really don't know what to do anymore, last week it got to the point where I was throwing up because she stressed me out so much. And all of it just such a waste of energy and I don't want to
